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The first season of Love Island: All Stars premiered on ITV2 on January 15, 2024.

It ran for 37 days with the finale airing on February 19, 2024, where Molly Smith and Tom Clare were crowned the winners.


Name Age Hometown Original Season Entered Status
Molly Smith 29 Manchester, England Season 6 Day 1 Winner
(Day 37)
Tom Clare 24 Barnsley, England Season 9 Day 10
Callum Jones 27 Manchester, England Season 6 Day 1 Runner-Up
(Day 37)
Jess Gale 24 Cambridge, England Season 6 Day 22
Josh Ritchie 29 Bolton, England Season 1 Day 4 3rd Place
(Day 37)
Sophie Piper 25 Essex, England Season 6 Day 10
Georgia Steel 25 York, England Season 4 Day 1 4th Place
(Day 37)
Toby Aromolaran 24 Chafford Hundred, England Season 7 Day 1
Anton Danyluk 29 Airdrie, Scotland Season 5 Day 1 5th Place
(Day 37)
Georgia Harrison 29 Essex, England Season 3 Day 1
Adam Maxted 31 Belfast, Northern Ireland Season 2 Day 26 Dumped
(Day 35)
Arabella Chi 32 London, England Season 5 Day 5 Dumped
(Day 35)
Casey O'Gorman 27 Tring, England Season 9 Day 16 Dumped
(Day 28)
Eve Gale 24 Cambridge, England Season 6 Day 22 Dumped
(Day 28)
Chris Taylor 33 Leicester, England Season 5 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 26)
Joanna Chimonides 27 London, England Season 5 Day 16 Dumped
(Day 25)
Joe Garratt 27 London, England Season 5 Day 22 Dumped
(Day 25)
Kaz Kamwi 29 Witham, England Season 7 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 23)
Hannah Elizabeth 33 Liverpool, England Season 1 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 16)
Tyler Cruickshank 28 Croydon, England Season 7 Day 8 Dumped
(Day 16)
Liberty Poole 24 Birmingham, England Season 7 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 16)
Mitchel "Mitch" Taylor 27 Sheffield, England Season 10 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 16)
Demi Jones 25 Portsmouth, England Season 6 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 8)
Luis Morrison 29 London, England Season 1 Day 1 Dumped
(Day 8)
Jake Cornish 26 Weston-super-Mare, England Season 7 Day 1 Walked
(Day 3)


Day 1 Day 4 Day 11 Day 18 Day 23 Final
Molly Callum Callum Tom Tom Tom Winner
(Day 37)
Tom Not in Villa Molly Molly Molly
Callum Molly Molly Georgia S Arabella Jess Runner-Up
(Day 37)
Jess Not in Villa Callum
Josh Not in Villa Georgia H Sophie Sophie Sophie 3rd Place
(Day 37)
Sophie Not in Villa Josh Josh Josh
Georgia S Toby Toby Callum Toby Toby 4th Place
(Day 37)
Toby Georgia S Georgia S Arabella Georgia S Georgia S
Anton Hannah Hannah Georgia H Georgia H Georgia H 5th Place
(Day 37)
Georgia H Luis Josh Anton Anton Anton
Adam Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 35)
Arabella Not in Villa Toby Callum Joe Dumped
(Day 35)
Casey Not in Villa Kaz Eve Dumped
(Day 28)
Eve Not in Villa Casey Dumped
(Day 28)
Chris Demi Demi Kaz Joanna Joanna Dumped
(Day 26)
Joanna Not in Villa Chris Chris Dumped
(Day 25)
Joe Not in Villa Arabella Dumped
(Day 25)
Kaz Mitch Luis Chris Casey Dumped
(Day 23)
Hannah Anton Anton Tyler Dumped
(Day 16)
Tyler Not in Villa Hannah Dumped
(Day 16)
Liberty Jake Mitch Mitch Dumped
(Day 16)
Mitch Kaz Liberty Liberty Dumped
(Day 16)
Demi Chris Chris Dumped
(Day 8)
Luis Georgia H Kaz Dumped
(Day 8)
Jake Liberty Walked
(Day 3)
Notes 1 N/A 2, 3 N/A 4, 5


  • ^Note 1: Prior to launch, voting opened for the public to decide the first couples of the season. As Callum and Molly entered after the initial coupling, they were not included in the vote. Instead, Callum had to choose to steal one of the girls or Molly to couple up with. He chose to couple up with Molly.
  • ^Note 2: On Day 8, Arabella was given the chance to steal a boy for herself or couple up with new boy Tyler. As she chose Chris, Tyler was then able to steal a girl of his choice, to which he chose Kaz. As Demi and Luis were both left single, they were dumped from the island.
  • ^Note 3: Before the recoupling on Day 11, the public voted for who they wanted new islanders Sophie and Tom to couple up with. They picked Josh and Molly respectively.
  • ^Note 4: As Chris and Arabella's partners were dumped from the island, they were automatically coupled up on Day 25.
  • ^Note 5: On Day 26, new boy Adam was given the chance to steal a girl for himself. As he chose Arabella, Chris was left single and dumped from the island.

Weekly Summary

Week 1
  • On Day 1, the Islanders were coupled up based on the results of a public vote. Demi was coupled with Chris, Georgia H with Luis, Georgia S with Toby, Hannah with Anton, Kaz with Mitch, and Liberty with Jake.
  • After the initial coupling, Callum and Molly entered the villa. Callum was then given the chance to either steal one of the girls for himself or couple up with Molly. He chose to couple up with Molly, thus leaving all of the original couples unchanged.
  • On Day 4, the Islanders re-coupled for the first time. As the newest arrival, Josh was given first pick before the remaining girls. He chose to couple up with Georgia H. Anton and Hannah, Demi and Chris, Molly and Callum, and Toby and Georgia S all remained together. Meanwhile, Kaz chose Luis, and single girl Liberty coupled with Mitch.
Week 2
  • On Day 8, Arabella was given the choice to steal a boy for herself or couple up with the new bombshell, Tyler. She chose Chris and Tyler then chose to steal Kaz. As Demi and Luis had their partners stolen, they were left single and dumped from the island.
  • On Day 11, the Islanders re-coupled once again. Prior to the recoupling, the public voted for who they wanted new Islanders Sophie and Tom to couple up with out of the three Islanders they chose to take on dates. Sophie was coupled up with Josh, and Tom with Molly. The remaining boys then chose who they wanted to couple up with. Mitch and Liberty remained together, meanwhile, Tyler went for Hannah, Callum coupled with Georgia S, Chris and Kaz paired up, Toby chose Arabella, and Anton picked Georgia H.
Week 3
  • On Day 18, the Islanders re-coupled with the boys choosing again. However, as the newest arrivals, Casey and Joanna were given first pick. They chose Kaz and Chris respectively. Anton and Georgia H, Molly and Tom, and Sophie and Josh all remained together, whilst Toby chose to couple up with Georgia S and Callum was automatically paired with Arabella.
Week 4
  • On Day 23, the Islanders re-coupled, with bombshells Eve, Jess, and Joe getting first pick. Joe went for Arabella, Eve picked Casey, and Jess coupled up with Callum. All of the couples from the previous recoupling remained together. As Kaz remained single, she was dumped from the island.
  • On Day 25, after Joanna and Joe were dumped, Chris and Arabella were automatically coupled up.
  • On Day 26, Adam was allowed to steal a girl for himself. He chose Arabella, thus leaving Chris single.

Week 1
  • On Day 2, the Islanders competed in a game of dares, in which they had to drink a glass of champagne and complete the dare written on the bottom of the glass.
Week 2
  • On Day 9, the Islanders took part in a game where they had to pop a balloon with their bodies using another islander and a sex position. They then had to answer a question based on their fellow Islanders.
  • On Day 12, the Islanders competed in a game of truth or dare, in which they had to transfer a card using only their mouths, with the islander who dropped it having to complete a truth or dare decided by their fellow Islanders.
Week 3
  • On Day 15, the Islanders competed in the "Snog, Marry, Pie" challenge where each islander had to snog, marry, and pie an islander of the opposite gender.
Week 4
  • On Day 22, the Islanders competed in a game of dares, in which they had to pick a dare out of the box which they either had to complete or choose another islander to complete it.
Week 5
  • On Day 29, the boys and girls went head-to-head to raise their opposing team's heart rate. At the end of the game, they found out who raised their heart rate the most.
  • On Day 30, the islanders were asked to predict where the public ranked them in a series of categories.

Week 1
  • On Day 4, new boy Josh was allowed to take three girls of his choosing on a date. He chose Georgia H, Georgia S, and Hannah.
Week 2
  • On Day 9, Chris and Arabella left the villa to go on a date.
  • On Day 10, new Islanders Sophie and Tom were asked to choose three other Islanders to take on dates with each of them preparing a starter, a main course, and a dessert. Sophie picked Chris, Toby, and Josh, whilst Tom chose Arabella, Molly, and Georgia S.
Week 3
  • On Day 14, Hannah and Tyler left the villa to go on a date.
Week 4
  • On Day 26, Molly and Tom left the villa to go on a date.

Week 1
  • On Day 3, Jake chose to leave the villa.
Week 2
  • On Day 8, Demi and Luis were dumped from the island after having their partners stolen by Arabella and Tyler.
Week 3
  • On Day 16, Liberty and Mitch were dumped from the island after receiving the fewest votes for favorite couple. It was then up to the remaining girls to decide which other boy would be dumped, and the boys to decide what girl would be dumped. They chose Tyler and Hannah respectively.
Week 4
  • On Day 23, Kaz was dumped from the island after failing to couple up.
  • On Day 25, following a couples vote for least compatible couple, Arabella and Joe, Eve and Casey, Jess and Callum, and Joanna and Chris were left vulnerable. It was then up to the safe islanders to dump one boy and one girl. They chose Joanna and Joe.
  • On Day 26, following Adam's decision to steal Arabella, Chris was left single and dumped from the island.
Week 5
  • On Day 28, Casey and Eve were dumped from the island after receiving the fewest votes for favourite couple.
Week 6
  • On Day 35, following a vote by all of the dumped islanders, Adam and Arabella were dumped from the island.


  • Season 8 is the only season to not be represented despite Danica Taylor being flown to South Africa for filming. It is unknown why she never entered the villa.[1]

Final voting figures

Couple % of Votes
Molly and Tom 35%
Callum and Jess 33%
Sophie and Josh 15%
Georgia S and Toby 10%
Georgia H and Anton 7%

Couple Status

Couple Status
Molly and Tom Together
Callum and Jess Split
Sophie and Josh Together
Georgia S and Toby Split
Georgia H and Anton Split

