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The third season of Love Island Australia premiered on the Nine Network on October 11, 2021. It ran for 45 days with the finale airing on November 24, 2021.

The winners were 25-year old Mitch Hibberd and 25-year old Tina Provis.


Name Age Hometown Entered Status
Mitch Hibberd 25 Melbourne, Victoria Day 3 Winner
(Day 45)
Tina Provis 25 Sydney, New South Wales Day 1
Aaron Waters 24 Perth, Western Australia Day 1 Runner-Up
(Day 45)
Jess Velkovski 23 Cronulla, New South Wales Day 1
Chris Graudins 25 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 3 Runner-Up
(Day 45)
Zoe Clish 25 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 14
Courtney Stubbs 23 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 1 Dumped
(Day 43)
Noah Hura 23 Perth, Western Australia Day 23 Dumped
(Day 43)
Taku Chimwaza 24 Wollongong, New South Wales Day 1 Dumped
(Day 41)
Michela Louis 25 Sydney, New South Wales Day 21 Dumped
(Day 41)
Hugh Yates 24 Northern Beaches, New South Wales Day 30 Dumped
(Day 41)
Eliza Kennedy 26 Brisbane, Queensland Day 35 Dumped
(Day 41)
Jade Ashelford 21 Sunshine Coast, Queensland Day 35 Dumped
(Day 39)
Lexy Thornberry 20 Brisbane, Queensland Day 2 Dumped
(Day 39)
Ryan Reid 25 Terrigal, New South Wales Day 1 Dumped
(Day 35)
Tayla Mellington 26 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 21 Dumped
(Day 35)
Ben Giobbi 25 Melbourne, Victoria Day 23 Dumped
(Day 30)
Aisha Campbell 23 Perth, Western Australia Day 21 Dumped
(Day 26)
Audrey Kanongara 21 Brisbane, Queensland Day 21 Dumped
(Day 26)
Brent Crapp 25 Central Coast, New South Wales Day 23 Dumped
(Day 26)
Brianna Marchant 20 Brisbane, Queensland Day 21 Dumped
(Day 26)
Nicolas Love 22 Sydney, New South Wales Day 14 Dumped
(Day 26)
Ruby Ennor 25 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 21 Dumped
(Day 26)
Sadee Sub Luban 22 Sydney, New South Wales Day 23 Dumped
(Day 26)
Shayne Tino 27 Melbourne, Victoria Day 23 Dumped
(Day 26)
Emily Ward 24 Melbourne, Victoria Day 8 Dumped
(Day 17)
Ari Kumar 25 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 1 Dumped
(Day 16)
Ronni Krongold 21 Sydney, New South Wales Day 1 Dumped
(Day 16)
Rachael Evren 21 Gold Coast, Queensland Day 1 Dumped
(Day 10)
Jordan Tilli 28 Melbourne, Victoria Day 1 Dumped
(Day 5)


On Day 1, after all of the girls entered, the boys were asked to choose a girl to pair up with. Aaron was paired with Courtney, Jordan with Jess, Ronni and Tina paired up, Ryan and Ari coupled up, and Taku paired up with Rachael.

Day 1 Day 5 Day 10 Day 17 Day 26 Day 39 Final
Mitch Not in Villa Tina Emily Tina Tina Tina Winner
(Day 45)
Tina Ronni Mitch Taku Mitch Mitch Mitch
Aaron Courtney Ari Jess Jess Jess Jess Runner-Up
(Day 45)
Jess Jordan Taku Aaron Aaron Aaron Aaron
Chris Not in Villa Rachael Rachael Zoe Zoe Zoe Runner-Up
(Day 45)
Zoe Not in Villa Chris Chris Chris
Courtney Aaron Ronni N/A Nicolas Noah Noah Dumped
(Day 43)
Noah Not in Villa Courtney Courtney Dumped
(Day 43)
Taku Rachael Jess Tina Emily Michaela Michaela Dumped
(Day 41)
Michela Not in Villa Taku Taku Dumped
(Day 41)
Hugh Not in Villa Eliza Dumped
(Day 41)
Eliza Not in Villa Hugh Dumped
(Day 41)
Jade Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 39)
Lexy Not in Villa Ryan Ryan Ryan Ben Dumped
(Day 39)
Ryan Ari Lexy Lexy Lexy Tayla Dumped
(Day 35)
Tayla Not in Villa Ryan Dumped
(Day 35)
Ben Not in Villa Lexy Dumped
(Day 30)
Aisha Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Audrey Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Brent Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Brianna Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Nicolas Not in Villa Courtney Dumped
(Day 26)
Ruby Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Sadee Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Shayne Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 26)
Emily Not in Villa Mitch Taku Dumped
(Day 17)
Ari Ryan Aaron Ronni Dumped
(Day 16)
Ronni Tina Courtney Ari Dumped
(Day 16)
Rachael Taku Chris Chris Dumped
(Day 10)
Jordan Jess Dumped
(Day 5)
Notes 1 N/A 2, 3 N/A 4 N/A
     Girls choice
     Boys choice


  • ^Note 1: Lexy entered the villa on Day 2 and was told she would be able to steal a boy for herself on Day 3. She chose Ryan, thus leaving Ari single.
  • ^Note 2: After the re-coupling, Courtney was left single but was saved as Australia had been voting for the Islanders they wanted to see find love in the Villa. It was then revealed that Lexy and Rachael had received the fewest votes, and that their fate would be decided by Aaron, Chris and Taku, as they were the three boys with the most votes. They chose to dump Rachael from the island.
  • ^Note 3: New islanders Nicolas and Zoe were able steal a partner for themselves on Day 15. They chose Courtney and Chris respectively.
  • ^Note 4: The original Islanders were told they either had to stick with their current partner, or twist and choose a new islander to couple up with.

Weekly Summary[]

Week 1
  • On Day 1, the Islanders coupled up for the first time. After all of the girls entered, the boys were asked to choose a girl to pair up with. Aaron coupled up with Courtney, Jordan with Jess, Ronni with Tina, Ryan with Ari and Taku with Rachael.
  • On Day 3, Lexy, who entered on Day 2, was allowed to steal a boy for herself. She chose Ryan, which left Ari single.
  • On Day 5, the islanders re-coupled for the first time. This time it was the girls who had to pick a boy to pair up with. Lexy and Ryan remained together, while Courtney chose Ronni, Jess picked Taku, Ari coupled up with Aaron, Rachael picked new boy Chris and Tina went for new boy Mitch. As Jordan remained single, he was dumped from the island.
Week 2
  • On Day 10, the islanders re-coupled with it being boys choice this time. Lexy and Ryan, and Chris and Rachael remained together, whilst Aaron coupled up with Jess, Mitch picked new girl Emily, Ronni chose Ari and Taku went with Tina. As she failed to couple up, Courtney was left single, however, she was saved by the public vote.
Week 3
  • On Day 15, new Islanders Nicolas and Zoe were able steal a partner for themselves. They chose Courtney and Chris respectively.
  • On Day 17, the islanders re-coupled. This time it was girls choosing which boy they wanted to couple up with. Courtney and Nicolas, Chris and Zoe, Lexy and Ryan, Aaron and Jess remained together, whilst Tina re-united with Mitch and Emily chose Taku.
Week 4
  • On Day 26, the original Islanders were told that they would be re-coupling. They were only given the option to remain in their current couple or to choose one of the new Islanders. However, as the boys and the girls were living in separate villas, they were not aware of what the other one chose. If one decided to re-couple and the other did not, then the one that did not would be dumped from the island. If both re-coupled then they would both remain in the villa with their new partner, and any remaining single new islanders would be dumped. Mitch and Tina, Aaron and Jess, and Chris and Zoe remained loyal, whilst Taku picked Michela, Lexy picked Ben and Ryan picked Tayla. As Courtney decided to re-couple with Noah and Nicolas decided to stay loyal, he was left single and dumped from the island. The new single islanders were also dumped.
Week 5
  • On Day 30, new boy Hugh was allowed to steal a girl for himself. He chose Lexy, which left Ben single.
Week 6
  • On Day 36, new girls Eliza and Jade were allowed to steal boys for themselves. They chose Aaron and Noah respectively, thus leaving Jess and Courtney single.
  • On Day 39, the islanders re-coupled for the final time with the girls choosing. Chris and Zoe, Mitch and Tina, and Michela and Taku remained together, whilst Jess re-united with Aaron, Courtney got back with Noah and Eliza chose Hugh. As Lexy and Jade remained single, they were dumped from the island.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

Week 1
  • On Day 5, Jordan was dumped from the island after failing to couple up.
Week 2
  • On Day 10, following a public vote for which Islanders they most wanted to see find love in the Villa, it was revealed that Lexy and Rachael were the girls with the fewest votes. It was also revealed that Aaron, Chris and Taku were the three boys with the most votes and that they would decide who would be dumped. They chose to dump Rachael from the island.
Week 3
  • On Day 16, the Islanders were told that there would be a dumping, with the decision being made by the Islanders themselves. As Courtney and Nicolas, and Chris and Zoe had been coupled up for less than 24 hours, they were immune and were not allowed to take part in the decision. The boys chose to dump Ari from the island, and the girls chose to dump Ronni.
  • On Day 17, after the re-coupling, it was revealed that the public had been voting for which girl they believed was the most likely to leave the villa with a partner. As Emily received the fewest votes, she was dumped from the island.
Week 4
  • On Day 26, Nicolas was dumped from the island as he chose to stay loyal to Courtney whilst she chose to re-couple. Aisha, Audrey, Brent, Brianna, Ruby, Sadee and Shayne were also dumped from the island after failing to couple up.
Week 5
  • On Day 30, Ben was dumped from the island after new boy Hugh stole his partner Lexy.
  • On Day 35, the Islanders had to vote for which couple they believed was the least likely to stay together outside of the villa. As Ryan and Tayla received the most votes, they were dumped from the island.
Week 6
  • On Day 39, Lexy and Jade were dumped from the island after failing to couple up.
  • On Day 41, it was revealed that Australia had voted Mitch and Tina, and Aaron and Jess as their favourite couples. The other four couples were vulnerable of being dumped from the island, with the safe couples deciding who would be dumped. Mitch and Tina chose to dump Michela and Taku, whilst Aaron and Jess chose to dump Eliza and Hugh.
Week 7
  • On Day 43, the couples voted for which two couples they wanted to make the final. As Courtney and Noah received 0 out of 12 votes, they were dumped from the island.

Other Information[]

  • This is the first season to not announce the placements of the other couples in the final besides the winners.
  • Aaron would later appear in Season 9 of the UK series alongside Season 2 Islander Jessie Wynter, making them the first Islanders in Love Island history to appear two different versions of the franchise.


  • Various allegations came out regarding Casa Amor contestant Sadee ranging from inappropriate behaviour to sexual harassment. A petition was made calling for Sadee to be removed from the show, which garnered over 1.5k signatures.[1]

Couple Status[]

Official couples from the show and their post-show status

Couple Status
Mitch and Tina Split
Aaron and Jess Split
Chris and Zoe Split
Courtney and Noah Split
Taku and Michaela Split


Official ratings are taken from TV Tonight.[2]

Viewers (thousands)
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Monday 311,000 265,000 285,000 204,000 263,000 201,000 176,000
Tuesday 279,000 295,000 239,000 191,000 186,000 180,000 162,000
Wednesday 292,000 217,000 252,000 203,000 145,000 150,000 141,000
Thursday 173,000 168,000 133,000 148,000 152,000 164,000
Weekly average 263,750 236,250 227,250 186,500 186,500 173,750 160,000
Running average 263,750 349,875 242,417 228,438 220,050 212,333 204,810
Series average 204,810


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