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The third season of Love Island Germany premiered on RTL II on September 9, 2019. It ran for 27 days with the finale airing on October 6, 2019.

The winners were 32-year old Sidney Wolf and 26-year old Vivien Michalla.


Name Age Hometown Entered Status
Sidney Wolf 32 Dusseldorf Day 8 Winner
(Day 27)
Vivien Michalla 26 Mühlheim an der Ruhr Day 12 Winner
(Day 27)
Samira Berkane 22 Hamburg Day 1 Runner-Up
(Day 27)
Yasin Yilmaz 28 Memmingerberg Day 1 Runner-Up
(Day 27)
Lina Schrdr 22 Wuppertal Day 12 3rd Place
(Day 27)
Roman Raamo 28 Hamburg Day 16 3rd Place
(Day 27)
Laura Lee 25 Stuttgart Day 20 4th Place
(Day 27)
Mischa Mayer 27 Ludgwigshafen Day 1 4th Place
(Day 27)
Danilo Cristilli 22 Schwenningen Day 1 Dumped
(Day 26)
Dijana Cvijetic 25 Switzerland Day 1 Dumped
(Day 4)
Day 201 Dumped
(Day 26)
Aleksandar Petrovic 28 Mullheim an der Ruhr Day 8 Dumped
(Day 25)
Marcel Avdic 22 Stuttgart Day 22 Dumped
(Day 25)
Melissa Durna 23 Herrenberg Day 1 Walked
(Day 25)
Ricarda Raatz 27 Erkrath Day 1 Walked
(Day 22)
Mustafa Musti 26 Hannover Day 19 Dumped
(Day 22)
Dana Umut 23 Oldenburg Day 12 Dumped
(Day 21)
Julia Oemler 25 Halle Day 5 Dumped
(Day 15)
Lisa Saxony 22 Elsterberg Day 1 Dumped
(Day 15)
Denise Brohl 32 Cologne Day 1 Dumped
(Day 14)
Philipp Laicher 29 Konstanz Day 8 Dumped
(Day 14)
Erik Rial 22 Innsbruck Day 1 Dumped
(Day 10)
Dennis Glanz 22 Luneburg Day 1 Walked
(Day 8)
Amin Elkach 27 Cologne Day 3 Dumped
(Day 7)
Asena Neuhoff 22 Cologne Day 1 Dumped
(Day 7)
  • ^Note 1: Dumped Islander Dijana re-entered the villa


Day 1 Day 4 Day 10 Day 18 Day 21 Day 25 Final
Sidney Not in Villa Julia Vivien Vivien Vivien Winner
(Day 27)
Vivien Not in Villa Sidney Sidney Sidney Winner
(Day 27)
Samira Dennis Yasin Yasin Yasin Yasin Yasin Runner-Up
(Day 27)
Yasin Lisa Samira Samira Samira Samira Samira Runner-Up
(Day 27)
Lina Not in Villa Roman Roman Roman 3rd Place
(Day 27)
Roman Not in Villa Lina Lina Lina 3rd Place
(Day 27)
Laura Not in Villa Mischa 4th Place
(Day 27)
Mischa Ricarda Ricarda Ricarda Ricarda Ricarda Laura 4th Place
(Day 27)
Danilo Denise Asena Melissa Melissa Melissa Dijana Dumped
(Day 26)
Dijana Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 4)
Aleksandar Danilo Dumped
(Day 26)
Aleksandar Not in Villa Denise Dana Dijana Dumped
(Day 25)
Marcel Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 25)
Melissa Erik Dennis Danilo Danilo Danilo Walked
(Day 25)
Ricarda Mischa Mischa Mischa Mischa Mischa Walked
(Day 22)
Mustafa Not in Villa Dumped
(Day 22)
Dana Not in Villa Aleksandar Dumped
(Day 21)
Julia Not in Villa Sidney Dumped
(Day 15)
Lisa Yasin Erik Philipp Dumped
(Day 15)
Denise Danilo Amin Aleksandar Dumped
(Day 14)
Philipp Not in Villa Lisa Dumped
(Day 14)
Erik Melissa Lisa Dumped
(Day 10)
Dennis Samira Melissa Walked
(Day 8)
Amin Not in Villa Denise Dumped
(Day 7)
Asena Not in Villa Danilo Dumped
(Day 7)
Notes 1 N/A 2 3
     Girls choice
     Boys choice


  • ^Note 1: Asena and Dijana arrived after the coupling on Day 1, but were told that they would be able to steal boys for themselves on Day 2. Asena chose Danilo and Dijana chose Dennis, thus leaving Denise and Samira single.
  • ^Note 2: Following a public vote, it was revealed that Asena and Danilo, and Denise and Amin were the two least popular couples. The safe islanders then had to choose one girl and one boy to dump. Asena and Amin were chosen and were therefore dumped from the island.
  • ^Note 3: Single girls Dana, Lisa, Vivien, Lina and Julia were informed that as they were not in a couple, they were at risk of being dumped. The boys were then told that they had to choose three girls to save. As Julia and Lisa were not chosen, they were dumped from the island.

Weekly Summary[]

Week 1
  • On Day 1, the Islanders coupled up for the first time. After all of the boys entered, the girls were asked to choose a boy to pair up with. Denise coupled up with Danilo, Lisa paired up with Yasin, Melissa with Erik, Ricarda with Mischa and Samira with Dennis.
  • On Day 2, Asena and Dijana were each allowed to steal a boy from a couple. Asena chose Danilo and Dijana chose Dennis, thus leaving Denise and Samira single.
  • On Day 4, the islanders re-coupled. This time it was the boys who had to pick a girl to pair up with. Mischa and Ricarda remained together, while Danilo chose Asena, Dennis chose Melissa, Erik chose Lisa, Yasin chose Samira and new boy Amin chose Denise. As Asena and Dijana remained single, they were dumped from the island.
Week 2
  • On Day 10, the islanders re-coupled with the girls choosing the boys. Ricarda and Mischa, and Samira and Yasin remained together. Whilst Denise chose to couple up with Aleksandar, Lisa chose Philipp, Melissa chose Danilo and new girl Julia chose Sidney. As Erik remained single, he was dumped from the island.
Week 3
  • On Day 18, the islanders re-coupled with it being boys choice. Danilo and Melissa, Mischa and Ricarda, Samira and Yasin all remained in a couple. Whilst Aleksander chose Dana, Roman picked Lina and Sidney chose Vivien. No-one was dumped from the island.
Week 4
  • On Day 21, the islanders re-coupled with it being boys choice again. All couples remained together, with the exception of Aleksandar who chose to couple up with returning islander Dijana. As Dana remained single, she was dumped from the island.
  • On Day 25, the islanders re-coupled for the final time with the girls choosing. Roman and Lina, Samira and Yasin, and Sidney and Vivien all remained in their couples. While new girl Laura chose Mischa, while Dijana chose to couple up with Danilo. Aleksandar and Marcel both remained single and were dumped from the island.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

Week 1
  • On Day 2, late entrants Asena and Dijana were told to pick one boy each to take on a date. Asena chose Danilo while Dijana picked Dennis.
  • On Day 3, new islander Amin chose to take Asena and Samira on dates.
Week 2
  • On Day 9, Ricarda and Mischa went to the hideaway
  • On Day 11, Denise and Aleksandar went on a picnic date
  • On Day 12, Lisa and Philipp went on a horse-riding date
  • On Day 12, Samira and Yasin, Melissa and Danilo, and Ricarda and Mischa went on a group date.
Week 3
  • On Day 14, new islander Vivien chose to take Aleksander on a date.
  • On Day 16, new islander Roman chose to take Melissa and Lina on dates.
Week 4
  • On Day 21, new islander Laura chose to take Mischa on a date.
  • On Day 22, new islanders Marcel and Mustafa both chose to take Melissa on a date.

Other Information[]

